Tuesday, 8 November 2011

WCW's 1992= Good?


Ricky Steamboat/Nikita Koloff v Brian Pillman/Jushin Liger (Great American Bash 12/7/92)
--Steamboat's the guy I peg for runner-up worker of the world in 92 behind Arn, but shit, I have to really look at Liger when going through everything because he could be number one. I thought he was just as good as Dragon here, and he was good in the Clash XIX tag, he has a great match with Pillman at SuperBrawl, a classic with El Samurai, great matches with Benoit and Norio Honaga. Yeah, looking forward to venture through him in 92. This match, obviously, did not suck, but it wasn't something I'm chucking "great" at either. Basically plays how you'd think it would with Liger and Pillman going more airborne and Koloff getting the shoulder blocks and yelling at the ref in the corner. Liger & Pillman actually work the arm of Koloff as some kind of attempt to throw off the game of Nikita, and it was sweet watching that mesh into Liger finally getting a successful shoulder block on him. , I don't like a babyface vs. babyface tag match, though, and I rarely see them work out really well. One guy always does something that was meant to be taken by a heel team. Here, Steamboat pulled Pillman and Liger both into the ring and clocked their heads together, which I think is really something to be left for a Dangerous Alliance pairing. Actually, Steamboat wasn't his awesome self in this; without making him look or sound bad, he didn't seem like the guy to throw into a babyface v babyface match. He had some awkward looking stuff with Pillman that went more and more downhill as the sequence went. Ah, every wrestler has their flaws. This is worth a watch for sure.

Rick Rude/Steve Austin v Barry Windham/Dustin Rhodes (Great American Bash 12/7/92)
--Everyone rocked here. There isn't much that would separate this from a regular Dangerous Alliance v Sting and Pals tag match, but a regular Dangerous Alliance v Sting and Pals tag match is a great fuckin' match. Austin struck me as being better than ever (at that point and time) here; the most of the year he kind of looked like a mid-card rookie guy on the team seemingly pushing his weight, but he comes off here as one of the veterans who'll rally fuck you up. His offense ruled during Windham's face in peril slice, actually all the cheap shots and cut-offs from he and Rude were all great. Dustin's hot tag explosion house o' fire was as good as it gets.

Rick Rude v Nikita Koloff (Worldwide 25/7/92)
--I hate myself for not remembering practically any of this because I really, really enjoyed it. I remember Rude selling really well and making Nikita look really good, and I had this silly grin when he went to hit Nikita over and over to no reward. The look on his face was amazing. Um, yes, watch this too.


  1. If by "good" you mean one of the best single years for a company ever in terms of quality rasslin, then you are right.

    1. Wow, I had no idea people were (still?) looking at this blog. I actually have some incentive to update it now.

      But yeah, WCW '92 might be my favourite wrestling year ever.
