Sunday, 28 August 2011

These Two Must Be Best Friends

Skipped the 1/8 and 8/8 TV matches because the 93 yearbook's one its way and I'll watch them both on there, but here's 3 Steamboat/Regals to rock your.......mind?

Steven Regal v Ricky Steamboat (WCW 19/9/93)
--I got the feeling I liked this less than most on here, but it's on the list and not scraping the bottom parts. I guess my only real negatives are how some of the mat-based stuff worked, because i would have liked it to be Regal trying to ground Ricky with Ricky being a Hawaiin jumping bean ruining hs offense (that's right...a Hawaiin jumping bean...shut up), but it didn't bring the match down. And a great match it was. I haven't seen the 1/8, 8/8, or any of the build up to this, but thankfully this took place in a English-speaking country because them commentators tell me Regal attacked Steamboat with an umbrella the night prior reuslting in Steamer taping his ribs. Once they get shine and small offense in Regal's all about attacking that thing and keeping Steamboat in as much pain as possible. Steamboat's arm work was good, but I felt it sort of went nowhere. I really don't want to make it sound like I didn't like this becasue I really, really did. Mixed words and all that. Finish was tremendous, Stemboat goes to skin the cat and with the referee distracted Sir Wi--oh to hell with it--BILL DUNDEE clocks him over the head with his "it might rain in here on day faggots" umbrella and lets Regal win the TV Title. Great match, even if it doesn't sound like I think so. Well, I got it at 49 right now, so there, that's great. I might watch this again.

Steven Regal v Ricky Steamboat (WCW 25/9/93)
--Someone could say this was better than the Fall Brawl match and I'd totally get it. I don;t think it is, and i have it lower, but I watched it twice in one day and is actually a better ten minute match than the Arn/Steamboat from 21/3/92 (or 28/3/92, Idk). Steamboat jumps Regal from the time bell goes and the crowds gone into studio-Memphis mode adoring everything that's going on and watching Regal get thrown around in delight. He takes his LORDSHIP to the utside and Regal gets pasted to the floor, evetually getting in the ring and using bite tactics becasue he wants this fucker to feel PAIN. Regal's "shock" selling is so great, and his "desperation need to win this thing" offense is even better. He keeps Steamboat more grounded here, I thought, and it was evident that whenever Steamboat would get his offense back he'd use a chop or a head-into-turnbuckle rather than a submission. Steamboat might be the greatest ever babyface at creating hope spots. Once DUNDEE gets involved Steamboat reverses the advantage and gets the pin and it's awesome.

Steven Regal v Ricky Steamboat (WCW 27/12/93)
--Don't have this listed, but it was still really good. A 15 minute time limit at the boggest may per view of the year isn't the kind of thing I think is all that smart, but 15 minutes can get you a hell of a match. There's really good matwork for a lot of it, and it's the kind of Benoit/Finlay matwork where really anyone could get the advantage off of one move instead of anyone being grounded. I'm really struggling to remember anything else, but onve they hit the last few minutes, I felt let down, I guess. I thought Regal's might noe behte guy who could go for a time limit draw with all them fancy schmancy pinfalls and such, but I thought he did it well in the Arn match from SuuperBrawl IV and the Saturday Night Stemboat match could have fooled me for a time limit wreckfest. Finish was real good, though; Steamboat misses that final crossbody and doesn't get his title back.

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